What I’ve learned from working and living at the beach for a full month

I’ve always dreamt of living a slow-paced life, and just when I thought that it was only a dream. I got an assignment to monitor the workers’s health in a remote island.
This allows me to live my dream, and I really appreciate of having a healthy body to be able to enjoy all these experiences. This gives me a new perspective, you actually don’t need to be a digital nomad to be living in paradise, you still can work in whatever job had, and simply just take a full month trip away, because the truth is anything joyful that you are experiencing more than a month will lose its magic and you won’t feel the enjoyment anymore.
Especially if you are doing it alone, when you don’t have anyone to share your happiness with, it will just feel like a moment of dophamine hit. In the end you feel empty inside with all these wonderful things going on around you.
I’ve learned that sharing your moments online sometimes help a bit while at the same time explore your new world with the locals. Just remember at the of the day you’re gonna have to go back to your routine life and things can’t always go the way you wanted to. But that’s ok, it’s boring anyway to be living a life without any challenges.