What I’ve learned from a manipulative person..

Sadly that very person is my own brother. Yes, I knew his intention the minute he started to share his ideas to me about a project (a business strategy). I’ve met all kinds of people throughout my professional life, and I knew a manipulative one when I see one.
First of all, as usual he will get so excited about his idea, he is convinced that his idea will revolutionize the whole industry but he needed me to do the heavy lifting..and this is where he would go to the first phase..
Phase 1: undermining you. He asked me what would I do differently if I haven’t heard about his idea at all. and then he would move on to comparrison and tell me what are my ideas, what are my sacrifices.
Phase 2: Self-pity. He would try to get your sympathy by telling all kinds of sacrifices that he had made or all kinds of weaknesses that he had, he would actually ask you if you care about him? when all these didn’t work.
Phase 3: Negative self-prediction about your life if you keep acting like this or in other word, if you keep sticking to your principle. He would actually say to me that I would not make it in this world if I keep my principle, he would tell me that I’m egocentric and unempathic.
Phase 4: He gave up sarcasticly by saying thank you for nothing..
Lessons learned: Be very careful with this type of guy. You can get so easily moved by his charisma and beautiful visionary words. But once you get trapped, you will spent the rest of your life doing his bidding for free with ever changing targets along the way.
Stay sharp..