The Benefit of Letting Go

So many of us as we grew into smarter and more successful human being tend to rely more on our intellects to solve problems, quoting from Sadhguru’s teaching ‘intelligent is like a cutting instrument, it is only great to disect something’. But, the problem arise when we want to combine or join together 2 things like collaboration or synergy. We rely so much on our intelligent that sometimes we forget that a cutting instrument cannot join two things together. We need other instrument that acts like a glue, and that is forgiveness, self-pity or letting go. Be content on what you can achieve so far even if it’s not as perfect as you would hope to be has the power to synergize the people around you. When Napoleon contented with all the efforts that his soldier has given, he praised them, telling them that they are the greatest band of brothers, a magnificient and elite army in the world in turn the soldiers acted more than his expectation to conquer the world. But, when you expect too much from others the result often be dissapointment just like Hitler when he was trying to conquer Uni Soviet.
Try letting go now and you’ll see the miracles..