Always Another Door
We have all heard the saying that when one door closes another door opens, right? I would bet to say you’ve heard this saying in your lifetime hands down…
But what does that really mean and are you really living that message?
How many times in our life have things not worked out like we thought they would? We got fired from a job, we started a business that never profited, we lost a relationship, lost money, gave up on our self, etc…
And how many times when that happens do we get frustrated and try to open that door back up? We try to rekindle what was lost or we simply try to complain on “why” it happened to us and how it wasn’t “fair”.
But what if that door being closed was actually by design and part of the growth so you could be positioned perfectly for when the next door opens?
I think so many people “hypothetically” have their backs towards new doors and new opportunities because they are wiggling the knob of the old door desperately trying to cling to safety. So much so that they miss what could be a better door filled with more fulfillment and exactly what they were meant to do on this planet.