A long-lasting Business doesn’t work like a One-night stand

They said business simply is just a matter of fulfilling a supply-demand gap, yet we often find some businesses strive while others died.
Most great businesses survive because they understand us, they know that we are human-beings with feelings and all kinds of chemistry and hormones balancing our daily lives everyday. We are not robots that are just mere inputs-processes-outputs that can be programmed and stay exactly the same all year round.
So does every businesses or organizations, they are formed by humans too, this human to human connection is what driving the real business, thus the very word ‘Organ’ from organization describe it very well. We want to be taken seriously, respectfully and with dignity, this is what makes us different from other creatures on the planet.
One-night stand on the other hand is full with lust and animal instinct written all over it. Yes, let’s not be hypocrite, we sometimes need to indulge it, but it’s just to satisfy our basic instinct, after that we go back to our normal boring daily lives respectfully.
Just like in the art of persuasion, the very first step is to introduce yourself or your company as mesmerizing as possible, second is to establish the problem that your customers have that you particularly able to solve, third is to show your plan straight, clear and why it is the best solution for them, lastly is to set up the schedule for the appointment to execute your plan.
There’s a very important component in that flow of steps, and that is the very last step ‘set up an appointment’. This is to show respect to your customers, it shows them that you value their time, that you consider them as human with busy and important daily activities to attend to. Even better, you don’t force them with decisions in one single day, this shows that you as an organisation is a humanistic organisation that put humanity over money, and by doing this you’ll get respect and more respects over time will become trust.
This is how you build a long-lasting organisation. Now here’s the fun part, try to tell this to a telemarketing company like credit card banks, or insurance companies. Ask them how many dropout rates over time out of all their customers that already said yes to them in a single day. The results will speak for themselves.